With roots at the TU Delft and current employment at the Erasmus MC, I specialise in creating societal impact by developing and implementing technologies that benefit the medical treatment of (gyn) oncology patients. Developments in my team will not end up in a display case, but will be rigorously tested in operational environments. This requires close collaborations with (multidisciplinary) clinical teams. It also involves adhering to medical ethics guidelines and regulations (IMDD/MDR). Whenever possible, research is set up to directly aid patients, such as in the 'Fietsproeftuin'. Furthermore, I am keen to add a touch of 'personalised care' to my developments, which is appreciated both by healthcare professionals (reducing checklists or repetitive tasks), and patients (respecting differences in their presence and in their needs). Evidently, this work requires a good alignment with clinical teams, minimising the impact on (or improving upon) workflows and workloads. Current project examples - with an indication of the clinical implementation stage - include:
- Architect: automated design of personalised 3D printed brachytherapy applicators (based on MR images) for an optimal dose to the tumour and minimal dose to surrounding healthy tissues.
■■■■■ From first concept to clinical study preparation.
- HSI-GO: treatment plan optimisation by transparent AI-based recognition of ovarian and vulvar tumours, using hyperspectral imaging.
■■■■■ Intra-operative data acquisition and AI development.
- Steerable needles: actively adaptable needles for prostate and gynaecological brachytherapy.
■■■■■ From first concept to clinical study preparation.
- Fietsproeftuin: Living Lab for patients with (cancer-related) perineal pain seeking to find personalized solutions for cycling re-enablement.
■■■■■ Report of operation in 2024.
Personal pages: Erasmus MC - Research Gate - Google Scholar - Linkedin - GitHub (MISIT)
Education & employment
- 2024 - present: assistant professor, Erasmus MC, Department of Gynaecological Oncology.
- 2020 - 2024: staff researcher, Erasmus MC, Department of Gynaecological Oncology.
- 2018 - 2020: post-doc researcher, Erasmus MC, Department of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine.
- 2017: Visiting Researcher, SINTEF - Department of Medical Technology, Norway.
- 2016 - 2024: post-doc researcher, Delft University of Technology, Department of Biomechanical Engineering.
- 2015: Visiting Researcher, ACMIT - Austrian Center for Medical Innovation and Technology, Austria.
- 2012 - 2016: PhD candidate, Delft University of Technology, 3mE, Department of Biomechanical Engineering. Thesis: Needle Steering Mechanics and Design Cases (oct 25, 2016), promotors Dr. John J. van den Dobbelsteen and Prof. dr. Jenny Dankelman.
- 2010: Intern Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) + KU Leuven, Department of Obstetrics.
- 2008 - 2011: M.Sc. Biomedical Engineering, thesis: Soft tissue dissection with an ultrasonic snare and the quantification of thermal spread, advisor Dr. John van den Dobbelsteen
Sponsored or funded research projects
- 2024: NWO TTW Demonstrator - BLUEPRINT, PI (166k€).
- 2023: Erasmus MC Koers23 - Patient terug in het zadel, PI (30k€).
- 2019: NWO Tech. for Oncology II - ARCHITECT Customised Needle Applicators, WP leader (725k€).
- 2018: NWO TTW Demonstrator - Steerable Needle for Percutaneous Interventions, project leader (149k€).
- 2017: Delft HI - Customised Brachytherapy Applicators, project leader (25k€).
- 2014: ZONmw IMDI - NAVIGATE Needles and image Guidance, assisting author (704k€).
Keynotes & event/conference roles
- 2024: iSMIT, session chair, Cáceres, SP.
- 2023-2025: Cancer Retreat, co-organiser + session chair, Rotterdam, NL.
- 2019: M3d+it/DMD Europe, invited speaker, "Patient-specific applicator for brachytherapy", Vienna, AT.
- 2019: iSMIT, invited speaker, "Steerable needles and 3D printing of medical devices", Heilbronn, DE.
- 2019: IOP Fibre Optic Shape and Deformation Sensing: An Emerging Technology, keynote lecture, "Data-driven design of steerable needles", London, UK.
- 2016: CIRSE, Technical Exhibition Demo, with TL de Jong TL and L Tas, Barcelona, SP.
- Straathof R, van Vliet-Pérez S, Kolkman-Deurloo IKK, Wauben LSGL, Nout RA, Heijmen BJM, Rossi L, Dankelman J, van de Berg NJ, "Automated planning of curved needle channels in 3D printed patient-tailored applicators for cervical cancer brachytherapy", Phys Med Biol, 69 235007, 2024.
- van Vliet–Pérez SM, van Paassen R, Wauben LSGL, Straathof R, van de Berg NJ, Dankelman J, Heijmen BJM, Kolkman-Deurloo IKK, Nout, RA, Cervical cancer brachytherapy: time-action and patient experience analyses, Brachytherapy (online), 2024.
- Straathof R, Meijaard JP, van Vliet-Pérez S, Kolkman-Deurloo IKK, Nout RA, Heijmen BJM, Wauben LSGL, Dankelman J, van de Berg NJ, "Multibody dynamic modelling of the behaviour of flexible instruments used in cervical cancer brachytherapy", Med Phys, 51(5), pp. 3698-710, 2024.
- de Vries M*, Wijntjes M*, Sikorski J, Moreira P, van de Berg NJ, van den Dobbelsteen JJ, Misra S (*equal contributions), "MR-guided HDR prostate brachytherapy with teleoperated steerable needle", J Robot Surg, 17, pp. 2461–9, 2023.
van de Berg NJ, Nieuwenhuyzen-de Boer GM, Gao XS, Rijstenberg LL, van Beekhuizen HJ, "Plasma Device Functions and Tissue Effects in the Female Pelvis—A Systematic Review", Cancers, 15(8), 2386, 2023.
van de Berg NJ*, van Beurden FP*, Wendel-Vos WGC, Duijvestijn M, van Beekhuizen HJ, Maliepaard M, van Doorn HC (*equal contributions), "Patient-reported mobility, physical activity, and bicycle use after vulvar carcinoma surgery", Cancers, 15(8), 2324, 2023.
Nieuwenhuyzen-de Boer GM, van de Berg NJ, Gao XS, Ewing-Graham PC, van Beekhuizen HJ, "The effects of Neutral Argon Plasma versus electrocoagulation on tissue in advanced-stage ovarian cancer: A case series", J Ovarian Res, 15:140, pp. 1-6, 2022.
- van Vliet-Pérez SM, van de Berg NJ, Manni F, Lai M, Rijstenberg LL, Hendriks BHW, Dankelman J, Ewing‐Graham PC, Nieuwenhuyzen-de Boer GM, van Beekhuizen HJ, "Hyperspectral imaging for tissue classification after advanced stage ovarian cancer surgery - a pilot study", Cancers, 14(6), 1422, pp. 1-12, 2022.
- Sánchez-Margallo JA, Tas L, Moelker A, van den Dobbelsteen JJ, Sánchez-Margallo FM, Langø T, van Walsum T, van de Berg NJ, "Block-matching based registration to evaluate ultrasound visibility of percutaneous needles in liver-mimicking phantoms", Med Phys, 48(12), pp. 7602-12, 2021.
- Somerwil PC, Nout RA, Mens JWM, Kolkman-Deurloo IKK, van Beekhuizen HJ, Dankelman J, van de Berg NJ, "An anthropomorphic deformable phantom of the vaginal wall and cavity", Biomed Phys Eng Express, 7, 055019, pp. 1-7, 2021.
- van Doorn HC, Barroso EM, Koljenović S, Ewing-Graham PC, Soares MRN, van de Berg NJ, Bakker-Schut TC, Puppels GJ, "Raman spectroscopy for guidance of vulvar cancer surgery: a pilot study", Biomed Opt Express, 12(5), pp. 3008-20, 2021.
- van de Berg NJ, Meeuwsen FC, Doukas M, Kronreif G, Moelker A, van den Dobbelsteen JJ, "Steerable needles for radio-frequency ablation in cirrhotic livers", Sci Rep, 11:309, 2021.
- Prinsen D, van Dijke AP, Horeman-Franse T, van de Berg NJ, Loeve AJ, "Lethal smothering with a pillow–How 181 music festival visitors tried to kill a dummy", Forensic Sci Int, 110521, 2020.
- de Lange D, van den Dobbelsteen JJ, Moelker A, van de Berg NJ, "Ultrasound-guided percutaneous liver biopsy: a review on obtaining adequate specimens", J Med Devices, 14(3): 034503, 2020.
- Laan RC, Nout RA, Dankelman J, van de Berg NJ, "MRI-driven design of customised 3D printed gynaecological brachytherapy applicators with curved needle channels", 3D Print Med, 5(8), pp. 1-8, 2019.
- van de Berg NJ, Sánchez-Margallo JA, van Dijke AP, Langø T, van den Dobbelsteen JJ, "A methodical quantification of needle visibility and echogenicity in ultrasound images", Ultrasound Med Biol, 45(4), pp. 998-1009, 2019.
- de Jong TL, van de Berg NJ, Tas L, Dankelman J, van den Dobbelsteen JJ, "Needle placement errors: do we need steerable needles in interventional radiology?", Medical Devices (Auckl), 11:259-265, 2018.
- van de Berg NJ, Sánchez-Margallo JA, Langø T, and van den Dobbelsteen JJ, “Compliant joint echogenicity in ultrasound images: towards highly visible steerable needles”, SPIE Medical Imaging: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling, 105760X, pp. 1-6, 2018.
- van de Berg NJ, de Jong TL, van Gerwen DJ, Dankelman J, and van den Dobbelsteen JJ. "The influence of tip shape on bending force during needle insertion", Sci Rep, 7:40477, pp. 1-8, 2017.
- van de Berg NJ, Dankelman J, and van den Dobbelsteen JJ. "End-point accuracy in manual control of a steerable needle", J Vasc Interv Radiol, 28(2), pp 276-283, 2017.
- Shahriari N, Roesthuis RJ, van de Berg NJ, van den Dobbelsteen JJ, Misra S. "Steering an Actuated-Tip Needle in Biological Tissue: Fusing FBG-Sensor Data and Ultrasound Images", IEEE ICRA 2016.
- Roesthuis RJ, van de Berg NJ, van den Dobbelsteen JJ, and Misra S. "Modeling and steering of a novel actuated-tip needle through a soft-tissue simulant using fiber bragg grating sensors", IEEE ICRA 2015.
- van de Berg NJ, Dankelman J, and van den Dobbelsteen JJ. "Design of an actively controlled steerable needle with tendon actuation and FBG-based shape sensing", Med Eng Phys, 37(6), pp. 617-22, 2015.
- van de Berg NJ, van Gerwen DJ, Dankelman J, and van den Dobbelsteen JJ. "Design choices in needle steering - a review", IEEE/ASME T Mechatronics, 20(5), pp. 2172-83, 2015.
- van de Berg NJ, van den Dobbelsteen JJ, Jansen FW, Grimbergen CA, and Dankelman J. "Energetic soft-tissue treatment technologies: an overview of procedural fundamentals and safety factors", Surg Endosc, 27(9), pp. 3085-99, 2013.
Refereed conference contributions
van de Berg NJ, van Beekhuizen HJ, Smolders RGV, van Doorn HC, Opening of a living lab to assess and improve the physical activity and cycling ability of women with perineal pain, Society for Medical Innovation and Technology (iSMIT), Cáceres, Spain, 2024.
- Straathof R, van Vliet-Pérez SM, Wauben LSGL, Heijmen BJM, Kolkman-Deurloo IKK, Nout RA, Dankelman J, van de Berg NJ, In-House Development Of Novel Brachytherapy Applicators: Navigating Regulatory Frameworks, World Congress of Brachytherapy, Maryland, USA, 2024.
- Straathof R, van de Berg NJ, van Vliet-Pérez SM, Wauben LSGL, Dankelman J, Nout RA, Kolkman-Deurloo IKK, Heijmen BJM, Clinical outcome modelling indicates minimum dose to be a good predictor in evaluating cervical cancer HDR brachytherapy plans, World Congress of Brachytherapy, Maryland, USA, 2024.
- van Vliet - Pérez SM, Straathof R, Westerveld GH, van de Berg NJ, Dankelman J, Wauben LSGL, Heijmen BJM, Kolkman-Deurloo IKK, Nout RA, Assessment of anatomical variation for patient-tailored cervical cancer brachytherapy applicator development, World Congress of Brachytherapy, Maryland, USA, 2024.
Paiman P, van Beekhuizen HJ, van de Berg NJ, "Advancing In-vivo Vulvar Tumour Detection: Combining AI and Hyperspectral Imaging", BNAIC/BENELEARN, Delft, The Netherlands, 2023.
van de Weerd LS, van de Laar RLO, Roes EM, van Doorn HC, Dankelman J, Rijstenberg LL, van de Berg NJ, Nieuwenhuyzen-de Boer GM, van Beekhuizen HJ, "Hyperspectral imaging for the in-vivo detection of ovarian cancer", Int Gyn Cancer Society (IGCS), Seoul, South-Korea, 2023.
- Straathof R, van Vliet-Pérez SM, Kolkman-Deurloo IKK, Nout RA, Heijmen BJM, Wauben LSGL, Dankelman J, van de Berg NJ, "Fast catheter trajectory planning for patient-tailored cervical cancer brachytherapy applicators", Eur Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO), Vienna, Austria, 2023.
- van Vliet–Pérez SM, Crone TP, van den Broek RB, Straathof R, Wauben LSGL, van de Berg NJ, Dankelman J, Heijmen BJM, Kolkman-Deurloo IKK, Nout RA, "Quantitative analysis of vaginal and uterine geometry for patient-tailored BT applicator development", Eur Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO), Vienna, Austria, 2023.
- van de Berg NJ, van Beurden FP, van Beekhuizen HJ, Maliepaard M, van Doorn HC, "Patient-reported bicycle use and mobility of vulvar cancer patients", Biomedical Engineering Conference (BME), Edgmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 2023.
- van Beurden FP, van de Berg NJ, van Beekhuizen HJ, Maliepaard M, van Doorn HC, "Patient-reported mobility and bicycle use after vulvar cancer surgery", Eur Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO), Berlin, Germany, 2022.
- de Wilde K, Roolvink TW, Scholten MP, Plat RW, van de Berg NJ, van Doorn HC, "A comparison of methods to measure surface area of vulvar tumors", Eur Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO), Berlin, Germany, 2022.
- Straathof R, Meijaard JP, van Vliet-Pérez S, Kolkman-Deurloo IKK, Nout RA, Heijmen BJM, Wauben LSGL, Dankelman J, van de Berg NJ, "Multibody dynamic modelling of the behaviour of flexible cervical cancer brachytherapy instruments", E22-1262, Eur Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2022.
- van Vliet–Pérez SM, van Paassen R, Wauben LSGL, Straathof R, van de Berg NJ, Dankelman J, Heijmen BJM, Kolkman-Deurloo IKK, Nout RA, "Patient experience and time-action analysis during cervical cancer brachytherapy", E22-1863, Eur Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2022.
- van Vliet-Pérez SM, van de Berg NJ, Manni F, Lai M, Rijstenberg L, Hendriks B, Dankelman J, Ewing-Graham PC, Nieuwenhuyzen-de Boer G, van Beekhuizen HJ, "Hyperspectral imaging for tissue classification after advanced stage ovarian cancer surgery - a pilot study", Eur Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO), Prague, Czech, 2021.
- Nieuwenhuyzen-de Boer G, van de Berg NJ, Gao XS, Ewing-Graham PC, van Beekhuizen HJ, "PlasmaJet gives less tissue damage than electrocoagulation device during cytoreductive surgery for advanced-stage ovarian cancer", Eur Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO), Prague, Czech, 2021.
- van de Berg NJ and van den Dobbelsteen JJ, "Ultrasound Image Analysis to Quantify Needle Visibility and Echogenicity", Biomedical Engineering Conference (BME), Edgmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 2019.
- van de Berg NJ, Sánchez-Margallo JA, Langø T, and van den Dobbelsteen JJ, “Compliant joint echogenicity in ultrasound images: towards highly visible steerable needles”, SPIE Medical Imaging: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling, Houston, USA, 2018 (SPIE).
- van de Berg NJ, Laan RC, Nout RA, "Custom-fit 3-D printed needle applicators for gynaecological brachytherapy", Design of Medical Devices Europe (DMD Eur), Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2017.
- van de Berg NJ, Laan RC, Nout RA, "Additive manufacturing for gynaecological brachytherapy: custom-fit applicators based on MRI data", Society for Medical Innovation and Technology (iSMIT), Turin, Italy, 2017.
- van de Berg NJ, Dankelman J, and van den Dobbelsteen JJ. "Evaluation of manual needle steering under image guidance", Biomedical Engineering Conference (BME), Edgmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 2017.
- van de Berg NJ, van den Dobbelsteen JJ. "Manual control of a tip articulated needle", Joint conference: Society for Medical Innovation and Technology & Design of Medical Devices Europe (iSMIT / DMD Eur), Delft, The Netherlands, 2016.
- Shahriari N, Roesthuis RJ, van de Berg NJ, van den Dobbelsteen JJ, Misra S. "Steering an Actuated-Tip Needle in Biological Tissue: Fusing FBG-Sensor Data and Ultrasound Images", IEEE ICRA, Stockholm, Sweden, 2016 (IEEE Xplore).
- van de Berg NJ, van den Dobbelsteen JJ. "Shared-control system for inserting a tip-steered needle", Society for Medical Innovation and Technology (iSMIT), Brno, Czech Republic, 2015.
- van de Berg NJ, van den Dobbelsteen JJ. "A hand-held actively steered needle for percutaneous interventions", Design of Medical Devices Europe (DMD Eur), Wiener Neustadt, Austria, 2015.
- van de Berg NJ, Roesthuis RJ, Misra S, and van den Dobbelsteen JJ. "Haptic shared control of a teleoperated steerable needle", World Haptics, Chicago, USA, 2015.
- Roesthuis RJ, van de Berg NJ, van den Dobbelsteen JJ, and Misra S. "Modeling and steering of a novel actuated-tip needle through a soft-tissue simulant using fiber bragg grating sensors", IEEE ICRA, Seattle, USA, 2015 (IEEE Xplore).
- van de Berg NJ, Dankelman J, and van den Dobbelsteen JJ. "Active needle steering with visual and haptic feedback", Biomedical Engineering Conference (BME), Edgmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 2015.
- van de Berg NJ, and van den Dobbelsteen JJ. "Tip-Steered Needle", DEMO in collaboration with Arkenbout EAA, "Using Kinect with 3Gear Systems software to control a tip-steered needle". Design of Medical Devices Europe (DMD Eur), Delft, The Netherlands, 2014.
- van de Berg NJ, and van den Dobbelsteen JJ. "Closed loop control of an actively steered needle with FBG-based shape feedback", Society for Medical Innovation and Technology (iSMIT), Shanghai, China, 2014.
- van de Berg NJ, and van den Dobbelsteen JJ. "Robot-assisted needle steering by a cable driven tip actuator", Design of Medical Devices Europe (DMD Eur), Delft, The Netherlands, 2013.
- van de Berg NJ, and van den Dobbelsteen JJ. "Validation of a new tip actuated needle steering system", Society for Medical Innovation and Technology (iSMIT), Baden Baden, Germany, 2013.
- van de Berg NJ, and van den Dobbelsteen JJ. "The design of a robotic actuator for flexible needle steering", Biomedical Engineering Conference (BME), Edgmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 2013.
- Gahler MC, van de Berg NJ, Rhemrev J, Jansen FW, and van den Dobbelsteen JJ. "Vaginal Approach for Uterus Separation During Laparoscopic Hysterectomy", Design of Medical Devices (ASME), Minneapolis, USA, 2010.
- Arkenbout EA, van de Berg NJ, Visser RJ, Schutte S, van der Helm, FCT, van den Bosch WA, and Simonsz HJ. "Eyelid pressure measurements for early diagnosis", The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO, IOVS), Fort Lauderdale, USA, 2008.
- van de Berg NJ, van den Dobbelsteen JJ, "Needle structure comprising a hollow cannula and a stylet", WO/2020/139083, 02.07.2020.
Teaching activities
- 2024 - 2025: KTO Final BSc projects
- 2017 - 2019: KT1000WI MATLAB exam design (with Dr. Ir. Arjo Loeve).
- 2014 - 2018: BM41050 & BM1106 Applied Experimental Methods: Medical Instruments.
- 2013: WB1630 Statics seminars.
- 2013: WBP202 Haptic Experimental Design.
- Graduate student supervision (S) and committee memberships (CM):
- Liset Ligmont (S): TU Delft, expected 2025,
- Eva Barnhoorn (S): Erasmus MC, expected 2025,
- Linnea Verbeek (S): TU Delft, expected 2025,
- Sujata Kanhai (S): TU Delft, expected 2025,
- Ir. Jerro van Zijl (S): AVL + TU Delft, 2025,
- Renée Dietz MSc (S): Erasmus MC, 2024,
- Ir. Frederieke de Smid (S): TU Delft, 2024,
- Ir. Haitao Jiang (S): TU Delft + TU Munich, 2023,
- Ir. Lotte Pool (S): Erasmus MC + TU Delft, 2023,
- Ir. Defne Ünal (S): Erasmus MC + TU Delft, 2023,
- Ir. Parsa Paiman (S): Erasmus MC + TU Delft, 2023,
- Ir. Frank van Beurden (S): Erasmus MC + TU Delft, 2023,
- Ir. Tink Voskamp (CM): TU Delft, 2022,
- Ir. Laurie van de Weerd (S): Erasmus MC + TU Delft, 2022,
- Ir. Rosemarijn van Paassen (S): Erasmus MC + TU Delft, 2021,
- Ir. Sharline Perez (S): Erasmus MC + TU Delft, 2021,
- Ir. Robin Straathof (S): TU Delft, 2021,
- Ir. Flip Somerwil (S): TU Delft, 2021,
- Ir. Danny de Lange (S): TU Delft, 2019,
- Ir. Daan van Duijn (S): TU Delft, 2019,
- Ir. Myrthe Engelen (CM): TU Delft, 2019,
- Ir. Amy Hoogenstraaten (CM): TU Delft, 2019,
- Ir. Yanick Mampaey (CM): TU Delft, 2019,
- Ir. Rianne Laan (S): TU Delft, 2017 - nomination IMDI talent price 2017-18,
- Ir. Job Sanders (CM): TU Delft, 2017,
- Jamie Erskine MSc (S): Uni of Glasgow 2016,
- Ir. Jordi Hogervorst (S): TU Delft, 2013,
- Ir. Ivana Nanut (S): TU Delft, 2013.
- Coaching/supervising student groups (various BME minor / BSc final projects)
Media items
- "Proeftuin om patiënten met pijnlijk zitvlak terug in het zadel te helpen", Amazing Erasmus MC, 2024.
- "Chirurg zoekt tumor", C2W Mens & Molecule, 2023.
- "Na schaamlipkanker weer terug in het zadel", Nieuwsbrief Stichting Olijf, 2023.
- "ARCHITECT studie: een bouwplan voor betere inwendige bestraling", Nieuwsbrief Stichting Olijf, 2022.
- "Hyperspectrale camera zet eierstokkanker op de foto", Amazing Erasmus MC, 2022.
- ZonMw uitgelicht: "Navigate", ZonMw site, 2020.
- "Applicatoren voor behandeling baarmoederhalskanker", Medical Delta, Mar 2019.
- "Bestuurbare naald moet artsen bijstaan", De Ingenieur, Feb 2017.
- "Stuurbare naald", Delft Integraal, p.6, Dec 2016.
- "Interventional Research at CIRSE 2016", IR News, 03/2016.
- "Haarfijn prikken in de lever", MT Integraal, Nov 2016.
- "Into the flesh", Delta, Nr. 3, Nov 2016.
- "Proposition" (in print only), Delta, Oct 2016.
- "Operatiespullen in je buik", RTL4 EditieNL, Apr 2014.
Demonstrators and lab set-ups
- Personalised applicators for gynaecological brachytherapy
