Minimally Invasive Surgery and Interventional Techniques
Department of Biomechanical Engineering - Delft University of Technology
Prof.dr. Jenny Dankelman
Full professor Delft University of Technology
BioMechanical Engineering
(+31)-15-2785565 Mekelweg 2 2628 CD, Delft Room 34E1-330
Bio | Projects | Assignments


Research Interest:

My work focuses on minimally invasive surgery, flexible endoscopy, needle interventions, endovascular interventions. We are cooperating with surgeons of several (university) hospitals, e.g. Leiden University Medical Center, Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, Reinier de Graaf Gasthuis Delft, Academic Medical Center Amsterdam.  Our research projects are in the fields of designing novel medical instruments, medical haptics, training and simulation systems, and patient safety, with the focus on minimally invasive techniques. Recently she started a number of projects to develop affordable and high quality (minimally invasive) surgical instruments for low and middle income countries.


For info on global surgery projects:


Short CV

Jenny Dankelman obtained her degree in Mathematics, with a specialisation in System and Control Engineering at the University of Groningen. Her PhD degree on the dynamics of the coronary circulation was obtained at the Man-Machine Systems Group, Delft University of Technology (DUT). This work was performed in close co-operation with the department of Medical Physics of the Academic Medical Centre Amsterdam. She continued her research at the Man-Machine Systems group and in 2001 she became professor in Minimally Invasive Technology.

In 2007 she became head of the Minimally Invasive Surgery and Interventional Techniques (MISIT) group. Between 2010 and 2014 she was head of the Department of BioMechanical Engineering of the Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering (3mE) of the DUT. In 2013 she became Medical Delta professor.

In 2018 she received a Royal award and became Knight in the Order of the Netherlands Lion.

In 2019 she was elected as one of the most inspiring female leaders of the Netherlands (InspriringFifty), became member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), and received the Professor of Exellent award (Leermeesterprijs) from the Delft University of Technology. 


TEDx Talk:



1979-nov.1984   Study Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, State University of Groningen (RUG). Specialisation: System and control theory.


Work experience since graduating

2013-present        Medical Delta professor

2010-2014            Head Department of Biomechanical Engineering

2007-present        Head of Minimally Invasive Surgery and Interventional Techniques Group (MISIT)

2001-present        Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Professor

1999-2001            Associate Professor, focus Minimally Invasive Techiques

1992-1999            Assistant Professor,  Department of Measurement and Control, 

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology, DUT

- Supervising research projects on modeling the coronary circulation

1991-1992            Assistant Professor,  Dep. Medical Informatics, University of Amsterdam

- Teaching Medical Expert Systems to Medical Informatics students.

- Teaching Heart and Lung Function to Medical students

1989-1991             Post-doc researcher. NWO, Dept. Medical Physics, Univ. of Amsterdam.

- Development of simulation models of interacting (control) mechanisms.
- Application of identification techniques to the coronary vascular system.
- Animal experiments. Qualified to perform animal experiments.      

1985-1989             PhD Student, Lab. for Measurement and Control, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,

Delft University of Technology. Promotor: Prof. dr. ir. H.G. Stassen Prof. dr. ir. J.A.E. Spaan. Doctorate date: 15-6-1989. Title of thesis: On the dynamics of the coronary circulation


National activities

  • Technical Leader of NIMIT – Novel Instruments for Minimally Invasive Techniques, Center of Excellence of, 1 of 8 ZonMW consortia on Medical Devices
  • Leader of iMIT STW Perspectief program on novel instruments for minimally invasive techniqeus (2013-2019)
  • Member Advisory Council on International Affairs,  Development Cooperation Committee (COS-AIV)
  • Member of Delft Global Initiative Steeringcommittee
  • Meber of Ethical board TU Delft
  • Confidential Advisor for Scientific Integrity
  • Chairman BAC single candidate procedures TU Delft (2015-2020)
  • Chairman Board of professors TUD (2009-2011, 2011-2013 chairman)
  • Chairman Scientific Board Dutch Society of Simulation in Healthcare(DSSH) (2009-2012)
  • Co-founcer DEWIS Delft Women in Science Network. President DEWIS (2008- 2010)
  • Organizing committee NVEC 2011

 International activities

  • President of the iSMIT, Int. Soc of Medical Innovation and Technology, Chair iSMIT2016
  • Co-organizer of DMD-Europe, 2013, 2014, 2016
  • Member of the International Society of Medical Innovation and Technology (SMIT),
  • Member of the Steering committee of SMIT
  • Organizing committee of the SMIT conference Amsterdam 2003
  • Member of the European Association of Endoscopic Surgery (EAES).
  • Member of Technology Committee of EAES (2008-2015)
  • Regularly (invited) presentations chairman at SMIT and EAES conferences
  • Reviewer for Surgical Endoscopy, MITAT, IEEE Haptics, IEEE BME, MBEC. British J. Surg, etc.
  • Member Editorial board MITAT (2005-present).
  • Member of grant evaluation committee, Oslo 2009, 2011
  • Associate editor of Medical & Biological Engineering and Computing (2005-2010)
  • Member advisory board National Institute in Ultrasound, Norway (2008-present)
  • International member of board of ACMIT(Austria Center on Medical Innovation and Technology) (Austria) (2010-present)
  • Visiting professor UTM Malaysia (Nov 2011)

Project leader of the following projects:

  • ATLAS (ITN- Marie Curie, 2PhD students, 2018-2022)
  • Sensing in Surgery (3 PostDocs, IMDI / ZonMw, 2018-2022)
  • SMART Surgical System (2 PhDs in NL, 2 RA in India, NWO-ZonMw/DBT, 2018-2022)
  • EASIER, Training surgeons (1 PostDoc, EU Long life learning progam (2017-2020)
  • OR for Everyone (1 researcher and PD, UfD fonds, 2018-2020)
  • SAFE surgery 1 PhD 2015-2019 (1 PhD, Delft Global)
  • Tissue characterisation in orthopedics 1 PhD 2016-2020 (1 PhD)
  • HiPerNav, Navigation in Liver suregery (EU ITN, 1 PhD, 2016-2020)
  • iMIT: Program leader of STW-Perspectief Program (19 PhD’s, 2PD, 6 support, 2013-2018) 
  • NIMIT Development Center ZonMW, 3 Post Docs, 2013-2016
  • Training and monitoring, Stichting Phoenix, 1 PhD, 2012-2016
  • FUSIMO Focused US, EU-strep, 1 PD, 2012-2013
  • MISTELA Cost Action, 1 Post Doc, 2013-2014
  • STW Valorisation Grant, Isolator for minimally invasive techniques (2009-2010)
  • Integrated Interventional Imaging (IIIOS)  (EU- ITN-Marie Curie 2 PhD, 2009-2012
  • Force and motion measurements during surgical training (2 PhD’s, 2008-2012)
  • Development of steerable needle (1 PhD, 2008-2010)
  • Virtual reality in surgical training (DSW, 1 PhD, 2008-2012)
  • Steerable instruments with sensors (1 Postdoc/1 techn, 2009-2010)
  • Enhanced haptics in minimally invasive surgery (1 PhD (IO), 2007-2011)
  • Control of oxygen control in preterm infants (Philips/Odas) 1 PhD 2007-2011)
  • LIFE-OR, Development lighting and instrumentation system on the OR (STW 2 PhD’s, 2006-2010)
  • Development of a tracking system for surgical instruments, TrEndo (1 PhD, 2003-2008)
  • Development of a VR training system, the SIMENDO. Training of surgeons (1 PhD  2004-2008)
  • Development of an Improved endoProsthesis for the upper EXtrimities (DIOC-DIPEX). Project 1: Surgical process during joint replacements(1 PhD, 2000-2004)
  • MISIT-project 1: Task analysis surgical process and Instrument tissue interaction (2 PhD’s, 1998-2002).
  • Minimally Invasive Surgery and Interventional Techniques (DIOC-MISIT) (10 PhD’s and 4 PhD’s, 1997-2004).
  • A number of projects on modeling the coronary circulation (1989-2007)

 Finished PhD Students

  • Akash Swamy. Breach detection using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy during spinal screw placement. 27 Jan. 2021
  • Floris Gaisser. Deep learning for perception tasks. 4 Jan 2021
  • Roos Oosting. Towards increased global availability of surgical equipment. 12 Dec. 2019
  • Tonke de Jong, Needles and liver phantoms in interventional radiology. Design considerations. 20 Nov 2019
  • Joost Mattheijer. Dockin Surgical guides. . Promotors: R. Nelissen, J. Dankelman, 20 Oct 2019
  • Gert Kraaij. Percutaneous tissue removal for hip fixation. First steps to instrument design. Promotors: R. Nelissen, J. Dankelman 3 july 2019
  • Frederique Meeuwsen. Surgical Signatures. Promotors JJ van den Dobbelsteen, J. Dankelman 29 May
  • Hoda Sharei. Naviation of guidewires and catheters during interventional procedures. A computer-based simulation. Promotor: J. Dankelman, Jan 2019 
  • Steven den Dunnen. Healing water - using pure waterjets to perform bone debridement treatments in orthopaedic surgery, Promotor J. Dankelman, G. Kerkhoffs, G.J.M.Tuijthof, 12 Dec 2018
  • Sake Aimee. High Impact Technologies for Endovascular Treatment of Chronic Total Occlusions. Promotors: P. Breedveld, J. Dankelman, May 2018
  • Ewout A. Arkenbout. Surgeon-Instrument interaction - a hands-off approach. Promotors: P. Breedveld, J. Dankelman, Co-promotor: J. de Winter. 12 feb 2018
  • Knulst, Arjen. Surgical Lighting. Promotor: J. Dankelman. May 15, 2017
  • Guedon, Annetje. Digital operating room assistant. Promotor: J. Dankelman, Co-promotor: J.J. van den Dobbelsteen. 5 July 2016
  • Jelinek, Filip Steering and Harvesting Technology for Minimally Invasive Biopsy. Promotors: J. Dankelman, P. Breedveld. 12 jan 2015

  • Sharon P. Rodrigues. Towards safety in minimally invasive surgery – patient safety, tissue handling and training aspects. Promotors: F.W. Jansen, J. Dankelman, LUMC 17 dec 2014

  • Clogenson, H.C.M.  MRI-Compatible Endovascular Instruments: Improved Maneuverability during Navigation Promotor:  Dankelman, J.  Co-promotor Van den Dobbelsteen, J.J.  2014

  • Henken, K.R. Smart needles for percutaneous interventions Dissertation  Promotor:  Dankelman, J.  Co-promotor Van den Dobbelsteen J.J. 2014

  • Horeman, T.  Force-based assessment of tissue handling skills. Promotors:  Dankelman, J.,  Jansen, F.W.  2014

  • Fan, C. Manual Control for Medical Instruments in Minimally Invasive Surgery. Promotor:  Dankelman, J.,  Breedveld, P.,  Dodou, D, 2014
  • Dennis van Gerwen. Needle-Tissue Interaction by Experiment. Dankelman J., prof.dr. (promotor), van den Dobbelsteen J.J. (copromotor) 2013 | Dissertation
  • Diederick van Hove. Towards safer laparoscopic surgery: training and assessment of surgical skills and equipment handling.  Mechanical Maritime and Materials Engineering | Dankelman, J., prof.dr. (promotor), prof.dr. L Stassen(promotor) 2013 | Dissertation 
  • Anne van der Eijk On-ward obserations in neonatal intensive care: Towards safer supplemental oxygen and IV therapy : Dankelman J., prof.dr. (promotor), Simonsz H.J., prof. dr. (promotor), Smit B.J., Dr. (Copromotor) 2012 | Dissertation 
  • Arjo Loeve. Staft-Guidance for flexible Endoscopes.  Mechanical Maritime and Materials Engineering | Dankelman, J., prof.dr. (promotor), dr. P. Breedveld (co-promotor) 2012 | Dissertation 
  • Loubna Bouarfa. Recognizing surgical patterns. Mechanical Maritime and Materials Engineering | Dankelman, J., prof.dr. (promotor); Jonker, F.W., (promotor) 2012 | Dissertation 
  • Anne van der Eijk. On-ward obserations in neonatal intensive care: Towards safer supplemental oxygen and IV therapy : Dankelman J., prof.dr. (promotor), Simonsz H.J., prof. dr. (promotor), Smit B.J., Dr. (Copromotor) 2012 | Dissertation 
  • Westebring - van der Putten, E.P. A sense of touch in Laparoscopy. Industrial Design / Mechanical Maritime and Materials Engineering | Goossens, R.H.M., prof.dr. (promotor); Dankelman, J., prof.dr. (promotor); Jakimowicz, J.J., prof.dr.(promotor) 2011 | Dissertation 
  • Chmarra, M.K. TrEndo Tracking System: motion analysis in minimally invasive surgery. Mechanical Maritime and Materials Engineering | Dankelman, J., prof.dr. (promotor); Jansen, F.W., prof.dr.(promotor) 2009 | Dissertation 
  • Verdaasdonk, E.E.G. Virtual reality training and equipment handling in laparoscopic surgery. Mechanical Maritime and Materials Engineering | Dankelman, J., prof.dr. (promotor) 2008 | Dissertation  
  • Minekus, J.P.J.  Evaluation of the surgical process during joint replacments. Dankelman, J. prof.dr. (promotor); van der Helm, F.C.T. prof.dr. (promotor); Rozing, (promotor); van der Werken, C. prof.dr. (promotor); Diercks, R.L., (promotor); Heslinga, G., | 2004-10-05 
  • Heijnsdijk, E.A.M.  Tissue manipulation in laparoscopic surgery Mechanical Maritime and Materials Engineering | Dankelman, J., prof. dr., (promotor) | 2004-01-20 | ISBN 90-6464-779-8  
  • den Boer, K.T.  Surgical Task Performance - Assessment using Time-Action Analysis Mechanical Maritime and Materials Engineering | Stassen, H.G., (promotor) | 2001-09-25 | ISBN 90-370-0189-0 
  • Sjoerdsma, W.  Surgeons at work Mechanical Maritime and Materials Engineering | Grimbergen, C.A., prof. dr. ir., (promotor); Stassen, H.G., prof. dr. ir., (promotor) | 1998 | Dissertation |ISBN 90-9012069-6
  • M. van der Vlugt (2006, Promotor)...P.A. Wieringa: Promotor
  • E.A.M. Heijnsdijk: Instrument-tissue interaction during minimally invasive surgery.2000-2004, (Promotor).
  • J.P.J. Minekus: Per-operative evaluation of shoulder and elbow replacements, 2000-2004. (Promotor)
  • K.T. den Boer: Surgical task performance, assessment using time-action analysis, 1997-2001, (Toegevoegd promoter
  • A.J.M. Cornelissen: Distribution and control of coronary blood flow, 1996-2001. (Toegevoegd Promoter).
  • W. Sjoerdsma: Surgeons at work, time and action analysis of the laparoscopic surgical process, 1994-1998D.
  • Merkus: Determinants of coronary blood flow at low coronary arterial pressure, 1994-1998 (UvA, Co-promotor).
  • C.P.B. van der Ploeg: Intramyocardial blood volume and oxygen exchange, 1989-1994.

Member of PhD committees

  • Participated in more than 80 PhD committees

Supervision of students

  • Supervision of >200 MSc Students and 30 BSc students


Refereed  international journal articles


See PURE for overview of articles


Publications last 10 years:

* collaborating clinical author 


  1. Oosting, R., Ouweltjes, K., Hoeboer, M. D. B., Hesselink, L., Madete, J. K., Diehl, J-C., Groen*, R. S., Wauben, L. & Dankelman, J. A Context-specific Design of an Electrosurgical Unit and Monopolar Handheld to Enhance Global Access to Surgical Care: a Design Approach Based On Contextual Factors. Journal of Medical Devices. 14, 1, 12 p., 011106, 2020.
  2. Oosting, R., Wauben, L., Madete, J. K., Groen*, R. S. & Dankelman, J. British Journal of Surgery Open. Availability, procurement, training, usage, maintenance and complications of electrosurgical units and laparoscopic equipment in 12 African countries 4, 2, p. 326-331, 2020
  3. Oropesa, I., Gutiérrez, D., Chmarra, M. K., Sánchez-Peralta, L. F., Våpenstad, C., Sánchez-González, P., Pagador, J. B., González-Segura, A., Langø, T., Sánchez-Margallo, F. M., Dankelman, J. & Gómez, E. J., Can effective pedagogy be ensured in minimally invasive surgery e-learning? Minimally Invasive Therapy and Allied Technologies. 11 p. 2020,
  4. de Fouw*, M., Oosting, R. M., Eijkel, B. I. M., van Altena, P. F. J., Peters, A. A. W., Dankelman, J. & Beltman*, J. J., Comparison of the tissue interaction between thermal ablation and cryotherapy as treatment for cervical precancerous lesions in an ex-vivo model. Health and Technology. 10, 5, p. 1275-1281, 2020
  5. Swamy, A., Spliethoff, J. W., Burström, G., Babic, D., Reich, C., Groen, J., Edström*, E., Elmi-Terander*, A., Racadio, J. M., Dankelman, J. & Hendriks, B. H. W., Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy for breach detection during pedicle screw placement: a first in vivo investigation in a porcine model. BioMedical Engineering OnLine. 19, 1, 12 p., 47. 2020
  6. Knulst, A. J., Harms, J. J. & Dankelman, J., Evaluation of an improved suspension system concept for surgical luminaires. 2020, Journal of Medical Devices, Transactions of the ASME. 14, 2, 9 p., 021007.
  7. Amiri, S. A., van Gent, C. M., Dankelman, J. & Hendriks, B. H. W., Intraoperative tumor margin assessment using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy: The effect of electrosurgery on tissue discrimination using ex vivo animal tissue models. 2020, Biomedical Optics Express. 11, 5, p. 2402-2415
  8. Fleischer, J., Diehl, J-C., Wauben, L. & Dankelman, J,. The effect of chemical cleaning on mechanical properties of three- dimensional printed polylactic acid. 2020, Journal of Medical Devices. 14, 1, 9 p., 011109.
  9. Schiks, L. A. H., Dankelman, J. & Loeve, A. J., Thresholds for the assessment of inflicted head injury by shaking trauma in infants: a systematic review. 2020, Forensic Science International. 306, 12 p., 110060.


  1. Hardon, S. F., Schilder, F., Bonjer*, J., Dankelman, J. & Horeman, T., A new modular mechanism that allows full detachability and cleaning of steerable laparoscopic instruments. 2019, Surgical Endoscopy. 33, 10, p. 3484-3493Sharei Amarghan, H., Kieft, J., Takashima, K., Hayashida, N., van den Dobbelsteen, J. & Dankelman, J., A Rigid Multibody Model to Study the Translational Motion of Guidewires Based on Their Mechanical Properties. 2019, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics. 14, 10, 7 p., 101010
  2. Oosting, R., Wauben, L., Mwaura, S. W., Madete, J. K., Groen, R. S. & Dankelman, J. Barriers to availability of surgical equipment in Kenya. 2019 Global Clinical Engineering Journal. 1, 2, p. 35-42
  3. de Jong, T. L., Moelker*, A., Dankelman, J. & van den Dobbelsteen, J. J. Designing and validating a PVA liver phantom with respiratory motion for needle-based interventions. 2019, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. 14, 12, p. 2177-2186
  4. de Lind van Wijngaarden*, R., Siregar, S., Legué, J., Fraaije, A., Abbas, A., Dankelman, J. & Klautz, R. J. M., Developing a quality standard for verbal communication during CABG procedures. 2019, Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 31, 3, p. 383-391
  5. Swamy, A., Burström, G., Spliethoff, J. W., Babic, D., Reich, C., Groen, J., Edström, E., Terander*, A. E., Racadio, J. M., Dankelman, J. & Hendriks, B. H. W. Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, a potential optical sensing technology for the detection of cortical breaches during spinal screw placement. , 2019, Journal of Biomedical Optics. 24, 1, 11 p., 017002
  6. Knulst, A. J., Gupta, S., Groen, R. S., Maharjan, D., Kapendra, A. S., Dankelman, J. & Kushner, A. L., Directions for surgical capacity developments in Nepal: a population-based assessment 2019, Tropical Medicine and International Health. 24, 9, p. 1128-1137
  7. Overtoom, E. M., Horeman, T., Jansen*, F. W., Dankelman, J. & Schreuder*, H. W. R. Haptic feedback, force feedback, and force-sensing in simulation training for laparoscopy: A systematic overview 2019, Journal of Surgical Education. 76, 1, p. 242-261
  8. Knulst, A. J., Kunst, J. & Dankelman, J., Lightfield adaptable surgical luminaire concept. 2019, Journal of Medical Engineering and Technology. 43, 6, p. 378-386
  9. Laan, R., Nout*, R. A., Dankelman, J. & van de Berg, N. MRI-driven design of customised 3D printed gynaecological brachytherapy applicators with curved needle channels, 2019, 3D Printing in Medicine. 5, 8 p., 8.
  10. Gholinejad, M., J. Loeve, A. & Dankelman, J. Surgical process modelling strategies: which method to choose for determining workflow? 2019, Minimally Invasive Therapy and Allied Technologies. 28, 2, p. 91-104
  11. Damsteeg-van Berkel, S., Beemster, F., Dankelman, J. & Loeve, A. J. The influence of contact force on forensic trace collection efficiency when sampling textiles with adhesive tape. 2019,  Forensic Science International. 298, p. 278-283
  12. Hardon*, S. F., van Kasteren, R. J., Dankelman, J., Bonjer*, H. J., Tuynman, J. B. & Horeman, T., The value of force and torque measurements in transanal total mesorectal excision (TaTME). 2019, Techniques in Coloproctology. 23, 9, p. 843-852
  13. Swamy, A., Burström, G., Spliethoff, J. W., Babic, D., Ruschke, S., Racadio, J. M., Edström, E., Terander*, A. E., Dankelman, J. & Hendriks, B. H. W., Validation of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy with magnetic resonance imaging for accurate vertebral bone fat fraction quantification. 2019, Biomedical Optics Express. 10, 8, p. 4316-4328
  14. Kraaij, G., Loeve, A. J., Dankelman, J., Nelissen*, R. G. H. H. & Valstar, E. R., Water Jet Applicator for Interface Tissue Removal in Minimally Invasive Hip Refixation: Testing the Principle and Design of Prototype. Journal of Medical Devices, Transactions of the ASME. e 2019,



  1. De Falco, Iris; Culmone, Costanza; Menciassi, Arianna; Dankelman J, Van den Dobbelsteen JJ.  A variable stiffness mechanism for steerable percutaneous instruments: integration in a needle.  MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING   Volume: 56  Issue: 12  Pages: 2185-2199,2018            
  2. Adank, Maartje W.; Fleischer, Julie C.; Dankelman, Jenny; Hendriks BHW. Real-time oncological guidance using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy in electrosurgery: the effect of coagulation on tissue discrimination.  JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS   Volume: 23  Issue: 11,  2018            
  3. Horeman, T.; Buiter, E. C.; Pouran, B.; Stijntjes M, Dankelman J, Tuijthof GJM. In-Vitro Detection of Small Isolated Cartilage Defects: Intravascular Ultrasound Vs. Optical Coherence Tomography. ANNALS OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING   Volume: 46  Issue: 11  Pages: 1745-1755, 2018        
  4. Arkenbout, E. A.; de Winter, J. C. F.; Ali, A.; Dankelman J, Breedveld P. Title: A gesture-based design tool: Assessing 2DOF vs. 4DOF steerable instrument control . PLOS ONE, Volume: 13  Issue: 7, 2018 
  5. Blikkendaal, Mathijs D.; Driessen, Sara R. C.; Rodrigues, Sharon P.; Rhemrev, JPT; Smeets, MJGH; Dankelman, J ; van den Dobbelsteen, JJ ; Jansen, FW : Measuring surgical safety during minimally invasive surgical procedures: a validation study. Source: SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES   Volume: 32  Issue: 7  Pages: 3087-3095, 2018 
  6. de Jong, Tonke L.; van de Berg, Nick J.; Tas, Lisette; Moelker, A; Dankelman, J; van den Dobbelsteen, JJ Needle placement errors: do we need steerable needles in interventional radiology? MEDICAL DEVICES-EVIDENCE AND RESEARCH, Volume: 11,  Pages: 259-265, 2018

  7. De Falco, I ; Culmone, C ; Menciassi, A; Dankelman, J ; van den Dobbelsteen, JJ . A variable stiffness mechanism for steerable percutaneous instruments: integration in a needle. MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING Volume: 56  Issue: 12  Pages: 2185-2199

  8. Gregoor, W (; Dankelman, J; Kment, C; Tuijthof, GJM . Hydraulic Actuator Selection for a Compliant Surgical Bone Drill: A Theoretical Approach. STROJNISKI VESTNIK-JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, Volume: 64  Issue: 7-8  Pages: 425-436

  9. Cramer, SJE ; Dekker, J; Dankelman, J ; Pauws*, SC; Hooper*, SB; te Pas*, AB,  Effect of Tactile Stimulation on Termination and Prevention of Apnea of Prematurity: A Systematic Review ,FRONTIERS IN PEDIATRICS, 6: Article Number: 45 DOI: 10.3389/fped.2018.00045, 2018

  10. Sharei, H; Alderliesten, T; van den Dobbelsteen, JJ; Dankelman, J Navigation of guidewires and catheters in the body during intervention procedures: a review of computer-based models. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL IMAGING  5(1):  010902  DOI: 10.1117/1.JMI.5.1.010902, 2018



  1. van de Berg NJ, de Jong TL, van Gerwen DJ, Dankelman J, and van den Dobbelsteen JJ. The influence of tip shape on bending force during needle insertion, Nature Scientific Reports 7, Article Number 40477, 2017

  2. Meeuwsen, FC , Guedon, ACP, Arkenbout, EA, van der Elst, M*, Dankelman, J,  van den Dobbelsteen, JJ. The Art of Electrosurgery: Trainees and Experts: Surgical Innovation 24(4):373-378, 2017  

  3. den Dunnen, S, Dankelman, J, Kerkhoffs, GM*, Tuijthof, G. Colliding jets provide depth control for water jetting in bone tissue. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 72: 219-228,  2017  

  4. Henken, KR, Seevinck, PR, Dankelman, J, van den Dobbelsteen, JJ. Manually controlled steerable needle for MRI-guided percutaneous interventions. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 55(2):235-244  2017  

  5. Sharei, H, Stoute, R, van den Dobbelsteen, JJ, Siebes, M, Dankelman, J. Data Communication Pathway for Sensing Guidewire at Proximal Side: A Review. Journal of Medical Devices – Transaction of the ASME  11(2),  Article Number: 024501, 2017  

  6. de Jong, TL, Pluymen, LH , van Gerwen, DJ , Kleinrensink, GJ*, Dankelman, J, van den Dobbelsteen, JJ. PVA matches human liver in needle-tissue interaction. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 69: 223-228, 2017  

  7. Smit D, Spruit E,  Dankelman J, Tuijthof G, Hamming J*,  Horeman T. Improving training of laparoscopic tissue manipulation skills using  various visual force feedback types. Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Technique, 31(1): 299-308, 2017

  8. Blikkendaal, MD*,  Driessen, SRC*, Rodrigues, SP*, Rhemrev, JPT*, Smeets, MJGH, Dankelman, J, van den Dobbelsteen, JJ, Jansen, FW. Surgical flow disturbances in dedicated minimally invasive surgery suites: an observational study to assess its supposed superiority over conventional suites. Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Technique 31(1): 288- 298, 2017

  9. van de Berg NJ, Dankelman J, van den Dobbelsteen JJ.. End-point accuracy in manual control of a steerable needle. Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology 28(2): 276-283, 2017  



  10. Guedon, ACP, Wauben, LSGL, Eijk, AC van der, Vernooij, ASN, Meeuwsen, FC, Elst, M van der*, Hoeijmans, V, Dankelman, J & Dobbelsteen, JJ van den . Where are my instruments? Hazards in delivery of surgical instruments. Surgical Endoscopy: surgical and interventional techniques, 30(7): 2728-2735, 2016
  11. Sakes, Aimee, Regar, Evelyn*, Dankelman, Jenny, Breedveld, Paul. Crossing Total Occlusions: Navigating Towards Recanalization. Cardiovascular engineering and technology 7(2) 103-1 17, 2016

  12. Loeve, Arjo J., Al-Issawi, Jumana,  Fernandez-Gutierrez, Fabiola, Lango, Thomas, Strehlow, Jan, Haase, Sabrina, Matzko, Matthias, Napoli, Alessandro, Melzer, Andreas*,  Dankelman, Jenny,  Workflow and intervention times of MR-guided focused ultrasound -    Predicting the impact of new techniques. Journal of biomedical informatics  60;38-48, 2016

  13. Oropesa, I., Sanchez-Gonzalez, P., Sanchez-Peralta, L. F., Chmarra, M. K., Vapenstad, C., Gutierrez, D.,   Pagador, J. B., Lango, T., Dankelman, J., Sanchez-Margallo, F. M.,Gomez, E. J.,MISTELA: APPLICATION OF A PEDAGOGICAL MODEL FOR ONLINE LEARNING OF MIS,  NONTECHNICAL SKILLS IN EUROPE.. BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY  103, 2016

  14. Oropesa, I., de Jong, T. L.,  Sanchez-Gonzalez, P., Dankelman, J., Gomez, E. J., Feasibility of tracking laparoscopic instruments in a box trainer using a Leap Motion Controller. MEASUREMENT 80: 115-124, 2016



  15. Berg, NJP van de, Gerwen, DJ van, Dankelman, J & Dobbelsteen, JJ van den (2015). Design choices in needle steering: a review. IEEE - ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 20(5), 2172-2183.

  16. Fan, C, Dodou, D, Breedveld, P & Dankelman, J (2015). Spatial orientation in pathway surgery. Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques, 29(9), 2705-2719.

  17. Guedon, ACP, Wauben, LSGL, Eijk, AC van der, Vernooij, ASN, Meeuwsen, FC, Elst, M van der*, Hoeijmans, V, Dankelman, J & Dobbelsteen, JJ van den (2015). Where are my instruments? Hazards in delivery of surgical instruments. Surgical Endoscopy: surgical and interventional techniques, PP(99), 1-8.

  18. Horeman, T, Aguirre Jr, ME, Kerkhoffs*, GMMJ, Dankelman, J & Tuijthof, GJM (2015). The SATA: A simple, stiff, and rigid steering mechanism. Journal of Medical Devices, 9(3), 030933-1-030933-2.

  19. Hütten, M*, Goos, TG, Ophelders, D, Nikiforou, M, Kuypers, E, Willems, M, Niemarkt, HJ, Dankelman, J, Andriessen, P, Mohns, T, Reiss*, IKM & Kramer, BW (2015). Fully automated predictive intelligent control of oxygenation (PRICO) in resuscitation and ventilation of preterm lambs. Pediatric Research: international journal of human developmental biology, 78, 657-663.

  20. Natenstedt, J, Kok, AC*, Dankelman, J & Tuijthof, GJM (2015). What quantitative mechanical loading stimulates in vitro cultivation best? Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics, 2, 1-15.

  21. Horeman, T; Sun, SY; Tuijthof, GJM; Jansen, FW*; Meijerink, JWJHJ*; Dankelman, J. Design of a Box Trainer for Objective Assessment of Technical Skills in Single-port Surgery. JOURNAL OF SURGICAL EDUCATION. 72(4): 606-617, 2015

  22. Rodrigues, SP*; Horeman, T; Dankelman, J; van den Dobbelsteen, JJ ; Jansen, FW*. Tying different knots: what forces do we use? SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES 29(7):1982-1989, 2015

  23. Clogenson, Helene C M; van Lith, Joris Y; Dankelman, Jenny; Melzer, Andreas*; van den Dobbelsteen, John J. Multi-selective catheter for MR-guided endovascular interventions. Medical engineering & physics. 37(7): 623-630, 2015

  24. van de Berg, NJ ; Dankelman, J; van den Dobbelsteen, John J. Design of an actively controlled steerable needle with tendon actuation and FBG-based shape sensing. MEDICAL ENGINEERING & PHYSICS. 37(6): 617-622, 2015

  25. Bongers, PJ*; van Hove, PD; Stassen, LPS* ; Dankelman, J ; Schreuder, HWR*. A New Virtual-Reality Training Module for Laparoscopic Surgical Skills and Equipment Handling: Can Multitasking be Trained? A randomized Controlled Trial. JOURNAL OF SURGICAL EDUCATION 72 (2) : 184-191

  26. Kraaij, G; Tuijthof, GJM; Dankelman, J; Nelissen, RGHH*; Valstar, ER. Waterjet cutting of periprosthetic interface tissue in loosened hip prostheses: An in vitro feasibility study. MEDICAL ENGINEERING & PHYSICS. 37(2) : 245-250,2015

  27. Szold, A; Bergamaschi, R ;  Broeders, I ; Dankelman, J; Forgione, A; Lango, T; Melzer, A; Mintz, Y; Morales-Conde, S ; Rhodes, M; Satava, R; Tang, CN ; Vilallonga, R. European association of endoscopic surgeons (EAES) consensus statement on the use of robotics in general surgery. SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES: 29(2):253-288, 2015

  28. Guedon, ACP; Wauben, LSGL; de Korne, DF; Overvelde, M; Dankelman, J ; van den Dobbelsteen, JJ. A RFID Specific Participatory Design Approach to Support Design and Implementation of Real-Time Location Systems in the Operating Room . JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SYSTEMS. 39(1): article nr. 168 , 2015



  29. Annetje C.P. Guédon, Linda S.G.L. Wauben, Marlies Overvelde, Joleen H. Blok, Maarten van der Elst*, Jenny Dankelman, John J. van den Dobbelsteen. Safety Status System for Operating Room Devices. Technology & Health Care, Vol 22 (6): 795-803, 2014

  30. Rodrigues, S. P*.,   Horeman, T.,   Sam, P.,   Dankelman, J.,   van den Dobbelsteen, J. J.,   Jansen, F.W*. Influence of visual force feedback on tissue handling in minimally invasive surgery, BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY , 101(13):1766-1773, 2014

  31. Loeve, Arjo J.,   Krijger, Tim,  Mugge, Winfred,   Breedveld, Paul,  Dodou, Dimitra,  Dankelman, Jenny, Static friction of stainless steel wire rope-rubber contacts. WEAR, 319(1-2): 27-37

  32. Kraaij, Gert,   Zadpoor, Amir A.,   Tuijthof, Gabrielle J. M.,   Dankelman, Jenny,   Nelissen, Rob G. H. H*., Valstar, Edward R.,Mechanical properties of human bone-implant interface tissue in aseptically loose hip implants. JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS . 38: 59 -68, 2014

  33. Henken, Kirsten R.,   Dankelman, Jenny,   van den Dobbelsteen, John J.,   Cheng, Lun K.,  van der Heiden, Maurits S. Error Analysis of FBG-Based Shape Sensors for Medical Needle Tracking. IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS , 19 (5) : 1523 – 1531, 2014

  34. van Hove, P. Diederick*,   Verdaasdonk, Emiel G. G*.,  Dankelman, Jenny,   Stassen, Laurents P. S.* Development and Evaluation of an Interactive Simulation Module to Train the Use of an electrosurgical Device.  JOURNAL OF LAPAROENDOSCOPIC & ADVANCED SURGICAL TECHNIQUES . 24 (9) : 628 - 633, 2014

  35. Horeman, Tim,  van Delft, Freek,  Blikkendaal, Mathijs D.*, Dankelman, Jenny,  van den Dobbelsteen, John J.,  Jansen, Frank-Willem.  Learning from visual force feedback in box trainers: tissue manipulation in laparoscopic surgery.  SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES. 28(6): 1961 – 1970, 2014

  36. Clogenson, H. C. M. , Dankelman, J., van den Dobbelsteen, J. J., Steerable Guidewire for Magnetic Resonance Guided Endovascular  Interventions .  JOURNAL OF MEDICAL DEVICES-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME. 8(2) AR 021002, 2014

  37. Horeman, Tim,   Dankelman, Jenny,   Jansen, Frank Willem*,  van den Dobbelsteen, John J. Assessment of Laparoscopic Skills Based on Force and Motion Parameters. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING . 61 (3) : 805 – 813, 2014

  38. Twijnstra, A. R. H.*, Hiemstra, E. van Zwet*, E. W., Balkema, E. I. R., Dankelman, J., Jansen, F. W.* Intracorporeal  Knot Tying in a Box Trainer: How Proficient Is in Vitro  Evaluation in Laparoscopic Experts?  JOURNAL OF MINIMALLY INVASIVE GYNECOLOGY . 21(2) : 291 – 295, 2014

  39. van Gerwen, D. J., Dankelman, J.   van den Dobbelsteen, J. J., Measurement and Stochastic Modeling of Kidney Puncture Forces. ANNALS OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING 42(3): 685 – 695, 2014

  40. van Hove, P. Diederick, Verdaasdonk, Emiel G. G., Dankelman, Jenny, Stassen, Laurents P. S. Validation of an Interactive Simulation Module to Train the Use of a Laparoscopic Insufflator.  SURGICAL INNOVATION. 21(1): 112 – 117, 2014

  41. Oropesa, Ignacio, Sanchez-Gonzalez, Patricia, Chmarra, Magdalena K., Lamata, Pablo, Perez-Rodriguez, Rodrigo, Jansen, Frank Willem, Dankelman, Jenny, Gomez, Enrique J. Supervised classification of psychomotor competence in minimally    invasive surgery based on instruments motion analysis.  SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES . 28(2) : 657 – 670, 2014

  42. Stunt, JJ, Wulms, PH, Kerkhoffs, GM, Dankelman, J, van Dijk, CN, Tuijthof, GJM. How valid are commercially available medical simulators? Advances in medical education and practice. 5 : 385 – 95,  2014

  43. van der Eijk, A C, van der Plas, A J, van der Palen, C J N M, Dankelman, J, Smit, B J.* In vitro measurement of flow rate variability in neonatal IV therapy with and without the use of check valves. Journal of neonatal-perinatal medicine  7( 1): 55 - 64 2014

  44. Horeman, Tim,   Blikkendaal, Mathijs D.,  Feng, Daisy,    van Dijke, Arjan,    Jansen, Frank Willem*, Dankelman, Jenny,    van den Dobbelsteen, John J. Visual Force Feedback Improves Knot-Tying Security .  JOURNAL OF SURGICAL EDUCATION , 71 (1) : 133 – 141, 2014



  45. Horeman, Tim,    Meijer, Evert-jan,    Harlaar, Joris J.,    Lange, Johan F., van den Dobbelsteen, John J.,    Dankelman, Jenny. Force Sensing in Surgical Sutures.  PLOS ONE 8 (12): AR e84466, 2013

  46. Clogenson, H. C. M.,   Dankelman, J.,   van den Dobbelsteen, J. J.Time-Action Analysis of Catheter Manipulation During Navigation Tasks in Bifurcations. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL DEVICES-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME. 7(4) AR UNSP 044501, 2013

  47. den Dunnen, Steven,   Mulder, Lars,  Kerkhoffs, Gino M. M. J.,  Dankelman, Jenny,  Tuijthof, Gabrielle J. M. Waterjet drilling in porcine bone: The effect of the nozzle diameter and bone architecture on the hole dimensions. JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS , 27: 84 -93,  2013

  48. van de Berg, N. J.,  van den Dobbelsteen, J. J.,  Jansen, F. W., Grimbergen, C. A., Dankelman, J. Energetic soft-tissue treatment technologies: an overview of procedural  fundamentals and safety factors. SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES. 27(9): 3085 – 3099, 2013

  49. Goos, Tom G., Rook, Denise, van der Eijk, Anne C.,  Kroon, Andre A., Pichler, Gerhard, Urlesberger,  Berndt, Dankelman, Jenny, Reiss, Irwin K. M. Observing the resuscitation of very preterm infants: Are we able to follow the oxygen saturation targets? RESUSCITATION.  84(8): 1108 – 1113, 2013

  50. van der Eijk, Anne Catherine,  Rook, Denise,  Dankelman, Jenny,  Smit, Bert Johan. Defining hazards of supplemental oxygen therapy in neonatology using the FMEA tool. MCN-THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MATERNAL-CHILD NURSING 38(4):  221 – 228,  2013

  51. Mattheijer, Joost,  Herder, Just L., Tuijthof, Gabrielle J. M., Nelissen, Rob G. H. H., Dankelman, Jenny,    Valstar, Edward R. Shaping Patient Specific Surgical Guides for Arthroplasty to Obtain High Docking Robustness. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN. 135(7): AR 071001-1-13, 2013

  52. Horeman, Tim, Kurteva, Desislava Dimitrova, Valdastri, Piedro, Jansen, Frank Willem, van den Dobbelsteen, John J.,  Dankelman, Jenny. The Influence of Instrument Configuration on Tissue Handling Force in Laparoscopy. SURGICAL INNOVATION  20(3):260-267, 2013

  53. Oropesa, Ignacio,  Chmarra, Magdalena K.,  Sanchez-Gonzalez, Patricia, Lamata, Pablo, Rodrigues,  Sharon P.,  Enciso, Silvia,  Sanchez-Margallo, Francisco M., Jansen, Frank-Willem,  Dankelman, Jenny,    Gomez, Enrique J. Relevance of Motion-Related Assessment Metrics in Laparoscopic Surgery. SURGICAL INNOVATION  20(3):299-312,  2013

  54. Loeve, Arjo J.,  Bilo, Rob A. C., Emirdag, Eda, Sharify, Maryam, Jansen, Frank Willem,  Dankelman, Jenny, In vitro validation of vaginal sampling in rape victims: the problem of Locard's principle. FORENSIC SCIENCE MEDICINE AND PATHOLOGY. 9(2): 154-162, 2013

  55. Oropesa, I. and Sanchez-Gonzalez, P. and Chmarra, M.K. and Lamata, P. and Fernandez, A. and Sanchez-Margallo, J.A. and Jansen, F.W*. and Dankelman, J. and Sanchez-Margallo, F.M. and Gomez, E.J. .EVA: Laparoscopic Instrument Tracking Based on Endoscopic Video Analysis for Psychomotor Skills Assessment. Surgical Endoscopy, and other Interventional Techniques 27(3): 1029-1039, 2013
  56. van der Eijk AC.,  van Rens, R. M. F. P. T.,  Dankelman, J.,  Smit BJ*. A literature review on flow-rate variability in neonatal IV therapy.  PEDIATRIC ANESTHESIA 23(1): 9- 21, 2012 
  57. Horeman, Tim,   Rodrigues, Sharon P*.  Jansen, Frank Willem*,  Dankelman, Jenny, van den Dobbelsteen, John J. Force Parameters for Skills Assessment in Laparoscopy. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON HAPTICS 5(4) 312- 322, 2012
  58. Fan, C, Clogenson, HC, Breedveld, P, Dobbelsteen, JJ van den & Dankelman, J. Comparison of two control methods for minimally invasive surgical instruments. Journal of Medical Devices-Transactions of the ASME 6(2) DI 10.1115/1.4006544 (P1-6). 2012
  59. Hove, PD van, Verdaasdonk*, EGG, Harst, E van der*, Jansen, FW*, Dankelman, J & Stassen, LPS. Effect of basic laparoscopic skills courses on essential knowledge of equipment. Surgical Innovation, 19(4), 460-466, 2012.
  60. Hove, PD van, Verdaasdonk, EGG*, Dankelman, J & Stassen, LPS*. Gebruik van checklists voor laparoscopische apparatuur in Nederlandse ziekenhuizen. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 156:A5205, P1-6, 2012
  61. Gerwen, DJ van, Dankelman, J & Dobbelsteen, JJ van den (2012). Needle-tissue interaction forces - A survey of experimental data. Medical Engineering & Physics, 34(6), 665-680.
  62. Tukker, AA, Knulst, AJ, Maaijwee, K., Schutte, S, Zeeburg, EJT, Meurs, J.C*. van & Dankelman, J (2012). Single-sided and small-scaled grasping of delicate tissues: Effectiveness of indirect heat-induced attachment and detachment. Minimally Invasive Therapy and Allied Technologies, (21), 388-395. 2012
  63. Horeman, T. and Kurteva, D.D. and Valdastri, P. and Jansen, F.W*. and van den Dobbelsteen, J.J. and Dankelman, J. The Influence of Instrument Configuration on Tissue Handling Force in Laparoscopy, Surgical Innovation 19(4) 1-8, 2012
  64. van der Eijk, A.C. and Dankelman, J. and Schutte, S. and Simonsz*, H.J. and Smit, B.J*. An observational study to quantify manual adjustments of the inspired oxygen fraction in extremely low birth weight infants. Acta Paediatrica, 101(3)97-104, 2012
  65. Bouarfa, L. and Dankelman, J. Workflow mining and outlier detection from clinical activity. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 45(6):1185-1190, 2012
  66. Henken, K.R. and Jansen, F.W*. and Klein, J*. and Stassen, L.P.S.* and Dankelman, J. and van den Dobbelsteen, J.J. Implications of the law on video recording in clinical practice. Surgical Endoscopy 26:2909-2916, 2012
  67. Henken, K. and Van Gerwen, D. and Dankelman, J. and Van Den Dobbelsteen, J. Accuracy of needle position measurements using fiber Bragg gratings. Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied Technologies 21:408-414,2012
  68. Okken, LM,  Chmarra, MK,    Hiemstra, E*,  Jansen, FW*,  Dankelman, J.  Assessment of joystick and wrist control in hand-held articulated  laparoscopic prototypes.  SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES :26: 1977-1985
  69. van der Eijk, AC, Horsch, S, Eilers, PHC.  Dankelman, J,  Smit, BJ*, “New-Generation" Pulse Oximeters in Extremely Low-Birth-Weight Infants . How Do They Perform in Clinical Practice? The Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing. 26: 172-180, 2012
  70. Knulst, AJ and Mooijweer, R. and Dankelman, J. A simulation model that predicts handling forces required to reposition surgical lights. Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology. 36:174—179, 2012
  71. Rodrigues, S.P.* and Wever, A.M.* and Dankelman, J. and Jansen, F.W.* Risk factors in patient safety: minimally invasive surgery versus conventional surgery. Surgical endoscopy. 26:350—356, 2012
  72. Loeve, A.J. and Plettenburg, D.H. and Breedveld, P. and Dankelman, J. FORGUIDE : Endoscope Shaft-Rigidity Control Mechanism ., IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 59: 542—551,2012
  73. Bouarfa L, Oytun Akman, Armin Schneider, Pieter P. Jonker, and Jenny Dankelman In-vivo real-time tracking of surgical instruments in endoscopic video. Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied Technologies, May 2012, Vol. 21, No. 3 : Pages 129-134
  74. Kraaij G,  Malan DF, van der Heide  HJL, Dankelman J, Nelissen, RGHH*,  Valstar ER. Comparison of Ho:YAG laser and coblation for interface tissue removal in minimally invasive hip refixation procedures. MEDICAL ENGINEERING & PHYSICS  34(3):370- 377, 2012
  75. Rodrigues, Sharon P.*,   Horeman, Tim,   Dankelman, Jenny,   van den Dobbelsteen, John J.,   Jansen*, Frank-Willem. Suturing intraabdominal organs: when do we cause tissue damage? Surgical endoscopy and other interventional techniques 26(4): 1005-1009, 2012
  76. van den Dobbelsteen, John J.,   Lee, Ruben A.,   van Noorden, Maarten,   Dankelman, Jenny, Indirect measurement of pinch and pull forces at the shaft of  laparoscopic graspers. MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING 50(3) 215- 221, 2012
  77. van der Eijk, Anne Catherine,   Dankelman, Jenny,   Schutte, Sander,   Simonsz, H J*,   Smit, BJ*. An observational study to quantify manual adjustments of the inspired  oxygen fraction in extremely low birth weight infants. ACTA PAEDIATRICA 101(3): E97- E104 , 2012
  78. Loeve, Arjo J.,   Plettenburg, Dick H.,   Breedveld, Paul,   Dankelman, Jenny. Endoscope Shaft-Rigidity Control Mechanism: "FORGUIDE". IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING 59(2): 542-551, 2012
  79. Rodrigues, SP*,   Wever, Aurystella M.,   Dankelman J,   Jansen, FW*. Risk factors in patient safety: minimally invasive surgery versus    conventional surgery. SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES 26 (2): 350-356, 2012
  80. Horeman, Tim,   Rodrigues, Sharon P*.,   van den Dobbelsteen, John J.,   Jansen, Frank-Willem*,   Dankelman, Jenny. Visual force feedback in laparoscopic training. SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES  26(1): 242-248, 2012.
  81. Knulst, Arjan J., van Dongen, Jesse,  Groenewegen, Marco W. M.,   Kaptein, Elisabeth D., Dankelman, Jenny . The effect of shadows on performing stereo visual pointing tasks: Is    shadow-free open surgery ideal? LEUKOS 8(2): 111-122, 2011
  82. Knulst, Arjan J.,   Santos, Ana Laura R.,   Goossens, Richard H. M.,   Dankelman, Jenny. Evaluation of a New Surgical Light Source for Difficult Visibility Procedures. SURGICAL INNOVATION, 18(3): 214-222, 2011
  83. Knulst, Arjan J.,   Mooijweer, Rik,   Jansen, Frank W.,   Stassen, Laurents P. S*.,   Dankelman, Jenny.  Indicating shortcomings in surgical lighting systems. MINIMALLY INVASIVE THERAPY & ALLIED TECHNOLOGIES  20(5): 267-275, 2011
  84. Schreuder, Henk W. R.,   van Hove, P. Diederick,   Janse, Julienne A.,   Verheijen, Rene R. M.,   Stassen, Laurents P. S*.,   Dankelman, Jenny. An "Intermediate Curriculum" for Advanced Laparoscopic Skills Training   with Virtual Reality Simulation. JOURNAL OF MINIMALLY INVASIVE GYNECOLOGY  18(5): 597-606, 2011
  85. Hiemstra, Ellen,  Chmarra, Magdalena Karolina,  Dankelman, Jenny,   Jansen, Frank Willem*  Intracorporeal Suturing: Economy of Instrument Movements Using a Box  Trainer Model JOURNAL OF MINIMALLY INVASIVE GYNECOLOGY  18(4): 494- 499, 2011
  86. Hiemstra, Ellen,   Terveer, Elisabeth M.,  Chmarra, Magdalena K.,  Dankelman, Jenny,  Jansen, Frank Willem*. Virtual reality in laparoscopic skills training: Is haptic feedback   replaceable? MINIMALLY INVASIVE THERAPY & ALLIED TECHNOLOGIES 20(3): 179-184, 2011
  87. Hiemstra, E; Chmarra, MK; Dankelman, J; Jansen, FW*. Intracorporeal Suturing: Economy of Instrument Movements Using a Box Trainer Model JOURNAL OF MINIMALLY INVASIVE GYNECOLOGY  18(4):494-499, 2011
  88. Bouarfa, L; Schneider, A ; Feussner, H; Navab, N*; Lemke, HU; Jonker, PP; Dankelman, J Prediction of intraoperative complexity from preoperative patient data for laparoscopic cholecystectomy. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE  , 52(3):169-176, 2011
  89. Schreuder, Henk W. R.; van Hove, P. Diederick; Janse, Julienne A.; Verheijen, Rene R. M.; Stassen, Laurents P. S*.; Dankelman, Jenny An "Intermediate Curriculum" for Advanced Laparoscopic Skills Training with Virtual Reality Simulation JOURNAL OF MINIMALLY INVASIVE GYNECOLOGY 18(5):597-606, 2011
  90. Kraaij, G, Malan, DF, Heide, H ter, Dankelman, J, Nelissen, RGHH* & Valstar, E R (2010). Peri-prosthetic tissue removal in minimally invasive hip reflex procedures. In Peri-prosthetic tissue removal in minimally invasive hip reflex procedures Journal of medical devices. New York: ASME
  91. Dodou D, Breedveld P, de Winter JCF, Dankelman J, van Leeuwen JL, Mechanisms of temporary adhesion in benthic animals. Biological Reviews, 86(1): 15-32, 2011
  92. Bouarfa L, Jonker PP, Dankelman J (2011). Discovery of high-level tasks in the operating room. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 44(3), 455-462
  93. Loeve, AJ, Bosma, J, Breedveld, P, Dodou, D & Dankelman, J (2010). Polymer rigidity control for endoscopic shaft-guide 'Plastolock' - A feasibility study. Journal of medical devices- TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASMEVolume 4,  Issue 4, nr 045001 (6 pages) doi:10.1115/1.4002494

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